Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Odds of the Internet and a possible Victim

The Poirot academy has received several inquiries about an internet occurance that truly changed the face of the internet as we know it today. What happened stroke many as mysterious and inexplicable, and have asked me to investigate further into what might be, as many of my fans put it : "The real thing".

The death of LBOS was one thing but lately a well-known and respected blogger has renounced the worldly life of the internet in search for a better life. He initially had decided to withdraw completely and shut down his famous story-telling blog but bloggers from around the world started bombarding him with emails, requests and oranges in order to continue posting at least once a week. The suspected victim apparently agreed to avoid further panic from spreading throughout the internet like a dangerous virus.

But as you all well know, like so many things in life, it is not what is outside, but what is inside that counts. And Poirot is determined to dive deep within, for truth and justice.

The little bar of soap herself was concerned back in heaven, that he is not going to continue posting his "fillthy stories" as she put it, but the representative of Indeterminacy assured us that there is more than enough filth in his blog for the time being, to satisfy the needs of all his fans.

Why didn't Indeterminacy warns us before about his intentions but only with little hints here and there? Who is this new representative of his and why has he chosen seclusion?

All these are unanswered questions and within the expertise of the legendary Hercule Cyber Poirot.

At your Service
Secretely Yours

PS: Any witnesses or fans are welcome to inform me about any hints or possible evidence related to the Indeterminacy case. Thank you alll!


Blogger Doktor Mabuse said...

I assure you that there is no schism in my personality, and it would interest me to know which representative of me you spoke to. I will shortly post some musings about the evolution of indeterminacy.

2:22 AM  
Blogger Indeterminacy said...

Sorry. I meant to post that comment under my Indeterminacy ID.

2:23 AM  
Blogger Poirot said...

Hello dear Indeterminacy or should I say Dr Mabuse... No schism in your personality huh? Now what do these 2 different ids of yours prove?

Your representative prefers to remain anonymous but will reveal his identity when the time is right.

Looking forward to your musings about the evolution of indeterminacy.. Mr Indeterminacy..

At your service

3:08 AM  
Blogger Ariel the Thief said...

I wasn't bombarding with oranges, I was bombarding with pine apples!

2:51 PM  
Blogger Ariel the Thief said...

is it a bad omen if a world famous detective starts investigating your case BEFORE you're actually murdered?

2:53 PM  
Blogger Kyahgirl said...

ariel makes a good point Monsieur.

9:17 AM  

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